healing after trauma course

Your Mind Culture
Journey Starts Here

Our signature course is your first step towards igniting your soul again. Together let's flip our lives back the right way.

View our introductory video to learn more about the course with leading wellness specialist Samantha Cockerill.

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wellbeing courses by Samantha Cockerill
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Your Zones of Awesomeness

Your Zones of Awesomeness

Mind Culture - 8 Week Course
Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This course is aimed at creating a sense of clarity, confidence and connection so that we don’t just survive - but that we thrive! Be your own hero on a mission to create a life that is 100% the way you want it to be. Let's begin this exciting journey together! Join us today!
Buy It Now

I'm Samantha!

I am a wellbeing leader who specialises in coaching women to find their zone of awesomeness.

I believe that challenging times make great opportunities for personal growth. I work with women to help them feel safe through the discomfort of creating their new normal with love, compassion, support and hope.

Bushfire of the Soul

I sat silently in the lecture room on the first day of my masters program preparing for the end of life as I knew it. I was beginning my studies in the science of wellbeing, happiness and what it takes to live a flourishing life. Meanwhile my married life and life in general were marching towards a bushfire of the soul, the magnitude of which I could never have been prepared for. My world and everything I knew and loved was about to be incinerated. The bushfire of the soul was to take everything leaving only darkness and pain.

Trauma, including divorce and the life disruption that followed, became the fuel for my studies. What does it take to create a new normal after everything you knew is gone? How do we start again? How do we grow from traumatic experiences to build the life we want?

I have developed the tools to start again and I want to share them with you. The goal is noticing the new shoots on the ground, the dawn of a new day and the return of the birds. This is where we start.

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